Our Newest Barista by Angie Fuller

A 2BC publication announced a couple months ago that more people are needed to serve in our Welcome Center’s coffee bar. Lauren, a fifth-grader, read it and told her mom she wanted to help, which was not out of character – Lauren’s always been a helper!

Early one recent Sunday morning, she stepped behind the coffee bar to meet Jo and learn how to run things back there. (Lauren’s dad came, too, but “ONLY for the heavy lifting,” he emphasized, pointing to the large coffee makers.) Lauren appreciated Jo’s patience and hints on what to do if she needed help.

What is Lauren looking forward to in her new role? “Meeting new people,” she says. So in the months ahead, if she serves you a freshly-brewed cup of coffee, be sure to introduce yourself!

Why do I love this?  Admittedly, our 2BC staff truly appreciates people taking the time to read our communications. (Kudos to you if you’re reading these words.) More importantly, I can’t help but love Lauren’s and Jo’s smiles! But I love it MOST…

Because Lauren read about a need and thought, I could do that.

Because she didn’t stop with that thought, but followed up by telling someone, “I want to help.”

Because Lauren’s parents are enabling her to serve in a way that’s meaningful to her.

Because she courageously walked into a conversation with an adult whom she’d never met to learn something new.

Because Jo didn’t hesitate to include someone she didn’t expect… and her training included her customary humor!

Because in the months ahead, Lauren will show up regularly to continue to step out of her comfort zone in kindness and service.

Because as she serves hot coffee in that Welcome Center one Sunday each month, she will observe and be further drawn into our faith community.

Because Jo and Lauren have formed an intergenerational connection that will last far longer than their experience at the coffee bar. And in her new role, Lauren can make connections with even more people outside her generation.

We could all learn a thing or two from Lauren and Jo.

Janet Hill