2BC Children’s Ministry


The Children’s Ministry of Second Baptist Church is focused on helping children and their families experience love, learning, and laughter as they cultivate relationships with God and with others.


Our Children’s Ministry at 2BC seeks to:

  • Provide an environment where children are physically and emotionally safe.

  • Show children that each of them is valuable and part of God’s great plan.

  • Honor children’s questions about God, the Bible, and other aspects of our faith.

  • Offer opportunities to encounter and learn about God in meaningful and experiential ways that include play and interaction with others.

  • Teach essential Biblical truths, such as:

    • We are created in the image of a loving God.

    • God always loves us, always keeps promises, and is always with us.

    • Jesus came to earth to model how to live, tell us about God’s good kingdom, and bring us back into connection with God.

    • The Holy Spirit is within us to guide and comfort us.

    • We are part of God’s family with brothers and sisters all over the world.

    • Each of us can share God’s love with others in our own way.

    • We will live with God again one day in the good world God has planned for us.

  • Provide experiences for children and families to serve others and to participate in the ministries of the broader 2BC family.

  • Help children understand the meaning behind milestones and annual rhythms in the worship and life of our church family (baptism, communion, liturgical seasons).

  • Engage parents in learning together by providing resources to help them foster spiritual formation in the home as well as learning opportunities at church and in the community.

Through all of these practices, children begin a lifelong path of discipleship built on worship and prayer, study, serving, giving, and sharing their faith.

Weekly Bible Study – Sundays | 10:00-10:45 AM (children can be dropped off by 9:45)

Our Bible study volunteers are committed to providing meaningful experiences for children as they learn more about the Bible and living out their faith. Our volunteers intentionally build relationships with children and strive to meet individual needs and interests.

Grades K-5 gather in groups based on their grade in school, with flexibility for some multi-age groupings, as well. Their curriculum encourages them to ask questions and describe what they are learning in their own words. They focus both inward (self) and outward (others) as they learn about and share God’s love.

Younger children move through our Babies, Toddlers, and PreK groups as needed, based on observations of their development and conversations with parents and volunteers. Toddlers and PreK children are engaged through a developmentally appropriate curriculum that introduces them to basic concepts about our world, others, and God.

Worship – Sundays | 9:00 a.m. Contemporary, 11:00 a.m. Traditional

We encourage families to worship together, and children are always welcome in our worship! Older children often light candles and may read scripture if they are ready for that (contact Angie Fuller for more information). Our worship sometimes includes a Children’s Moment, and worship bags with children’s activities are always available in the sanctuary foyer. Childcare is offered for younger children (see below), and parents can use our Welcome Center if children need a temporary break from worship.

VBS (Vacation Bible School)

VBS 2025!
July 14-18

More information and links to enroll or volunteer will be added here in the spring of 2025.


Childcare is provided during all worship services for infants through PreK, although young children are always welcome in worship. In addition, many of our special events offer childcare (by reservation).


All volunteers in our children’s ministry must pass a background check every two years. Infant through PreK children must be checked in upon arrival on Sunday mornings in our preschool foyer. Whenever your child is with us, s/he is joined by incredible volunteers who love God and who share that love in a caring, safe environment.

Children's Choirs

Children's choirs are a fun and creative time for children to begin learning musical skills. Children also learn about worshiping God and leading the worship of God as they sing in the worship services periodically throughout the year. Our children’s choirs meet most Sundays from September to May from 9:30-10:00 a.m.. Younger children (PreK through 1st grade) are in Room 212 and older children (2nd-5th grades) are in Room 409.

Annual Events

Winter: Children’s Christmas Party/Parents’ Night Out, Masterpiece Arts Camp

Spring: Easter Egg Hunt

Summer: Vacation Bible School

Fall: Promotion Sunday/First Grade Bible Presentation, Trunk or Treat

Second Friends Preschool

MomCo (Mothers of Preschoolers)