Second Friends Is Best of the Northland Winner!
Our amazing preschool, Second Friends, has been named a Top 3 Winner in the Best Northland Daycare category by the Courier-Tribune and Gladstone Dispatch newspapers. Congratulations to director Becky Gossett and her amazing staff! Thank you, parents, for voting for us.
Interested in enrolling for 2025-26?
Complete this Interest Form, and we’ll contact you within 10 days.
Contact us by email or phone for more information!
Second Friends Preschool is a ministry of Second Baptist Church and has served the Liberty community for over 26 years. There are classes for children who are 2 years or 1 year from starting Kindergarten (ages 3 through 5). We provide 2-day and 3-day classes in a loving and nurturing environment. Want more information? Contact us at, or call 781-3882.
It is our goal to provide a happy and secure learning environment for each child. It is our desire to communicate our Christian faith through the way we speak, act, listen, react, and care. We provide many opportunities for children to discover, explore, question, wonder, and discuss experiences.
We believe that each child is a unique individual created by God with specific abilities and differences. We strive to help each child grow socially, physically, cognitively, and spiritually at his or her own pace. We hope to build a foundation for children who will always love to learn and create, who are not afraid to make mistakes, who embrace Jesus and His love, and who enjoy being part of a community of friends.
We believe the best assurance for the success of children in the preschool program is the close cooperation and understanding of parents and staff.
There are 12 children in each classroom. Children are grouped by age. Those children age three by August 1 are placed in the three and four-year-old classroom. We place children in the Pre-K classroom who are age four by August 1. Children who are age five by August 1, but are being given an extra year before Kindergarten, are invited to enroll in one of our three-day-a-week classes.
Each classroom has a lead teacher and an assistant teacher. We carefully select our staff for their educational background, early childhood experience, Christian values, and for their sensitivity to the needs of young children.
Download a statement of security and safety of our children and students adopted by our church.
Please contact the Second Friends Directors for more information at 816-781-3882 or by email.