Current Community Group Offerings


Baptist Freedoms: A Pop-Up group led by Gary Armstrong

Starting on January 12, Gary Armstrong will lead a three-week class during Sunday School. The class will discuss the unique "fragile freedoms" that Baptists hold and how they are important to our church and our lives today. All are welcome and encouraged to join us at 10 a.m. in the Social Room for this important discussion of Baptist history and identity. No reservation is needed.

1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture

On January 18 at 10 a.m., Second Baptist will be hosting a viewing of "1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture" at the Liberty B&B Theater's Lyric Auditorium. The documentary shows the story of researchers diving into the Yale archives to figure out when the word "homosexuality" first appeared in the English translations of Scripture. Tickets are free and must be reserved in advance. There are only thirty seats available, so please sign up as soon as possible. Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please email Rachel if you have any questions, and we hope to see you there!"


Community groups provide us with an intentional way to nurture our relationship with God and grow in relationships with one another. Together, we find ways to impact the world in Jesus’ name.

Community groups come in all shapes and sizes! Whether you’re searching for a Sunday morning Bible study, virtual group, fellowship group, or something in between, we have a spot just for you. Learn more at our community groups page, or stop by the Connections Corner in the Welcome Center for more information.

Register for any of these groups at the button below or in the Welcome Center.

Community groups come in all shapes and sizes!  Here are a few of the group formats we offer and answers to other FAQs about Community Groups.

Study Groups

Study groups participate in Bible study or book studies together. Some groups form to study a particular theme while others form because of shared interests or life stages. Study groups may choose to meet year-round or break over the summer.

Fellowship Groups

Fellowship groups pursue common interests and activities together. In the past groups have formed around affinities for art, BBQ, dining experiences, and golf to name a few. Fellowship groups meet at different times throughout the year.

Ministry Groups

Ministry groups form around a shared passion for a unique ministry. These groups learn and serve together throughout the year.

Pop-Up Groups

Pop-up groups form throughout the year to study a specific topic. These groups usually meet for 6-8 weeks.


What are community groups?

Community groups provide an opportunity for us to experience personal transformation while developing Christ-centered relationships.  Most groups participate in Bible or book studies, serve together, and fellowship together. 

How big is a community group?

Groups vary in size and make-up. Most are intergenerational and mixed gender.

Who can belong to a community group?

Community groups at Second Baptist Church are open to anyone willing to commit to the group through their attendance and ongoing participation. Most groups meet year round and can be joined at any time from the link at the top of the page.

What should I consider before joining a group?

Each group has its own unique flavor.  Some groups are informal, come-when-you-can groups.  Other groups encourage members to commit to regular participation as well as study and reflection between group meetings.  If you have questions about a specific group, don’t hesitate to contact the group leader for more information.  It’s important to find a group that is the right fit for you! 

To learn more about community groups at Second Baptist Church, contact us at or 816-781-2824.
