November Monthly Letter from Pastor Jason

We worship a generous God. There is no clearer picture of God’s generosity than this: “For God so loved the world that God gave God’s only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). The generosity of God has changed our lives forever. When we are generous, we reflect God’s image, and we participate with God in God’s ministry of transformation.

Our church has entered this season of gratitude with no shortage of reasons for thanksgiving. In recent weeks, we’ve shined a light on this through personal testimony, video, preaching, and articles focused on the ways your generosity has and will contribute to God’s ministry of transformation. I hope this encourages you as you live, worship, and give as a member of our faith community.

Our commitment as a community is to be a catalyst for God’s dreams to come true with our church, throughout the KC metro region, and around our world. This is happening in so many ways we will continue to celebrate. I’m writing now to say thank you. God is multiplying your generosity in wonderful ways.

And, in the wake of the pandemic, our commitments to engagement in our community and mission through worship attendance, discipleship, service, sharing, and generosity have also faced great challenges. Currently, our tithes and offerings for 2022 are not at the level we anticipated at this point in our year. I pray we might all choose to rise to the occasion and respond to this moment of challenge with great faithfulness.

As our current ministry plan comes to a close at the end of this calendar year, please help us fulfill our ministry commitments by fully fulfilling your financial pledge to our church’s ministry plan. And, if you’ve joined our community in the time since we made pledges as a congregation, I hope you’ll also consider making an impact with special year-end gifts. We want to have a strong finish to this year and ministry plan.

I’m also writing to ask you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to continue your participation in God’s ministry of transformation through your generous engagement in the years ahead. This is a month of visioning, commitment, and celebration. Our financial stewardship committee has asked us to now commit to invest in this upcoming 2023-2024 ministry plan and has challenged us all to increase our current financial commitment to the church by 10%. Our family has said yes to that challenge, with a commitment to increase our monthly offering in the years ahead. I hope you will too. Your continued generosity is so important as we all strive sacrificially to make the most of what God has given us here for God’s glory and the good of others.

With thanksgiving and hope…


Janet Hill