Listening Together by Jason Edwards

The CBS News anchor Dan Rather once asked Mother Teresa what she said during her prayers. “I listen.” “Well then,” Dan replied, “What does God say?” Mother Teresa smiled confidently and said, “God listens.” Dan Rather paused, not knowing quite what to say. Mother Teresa then added, “And if you don’t understand that, I can’t explain it to you.”

You and I may be able to name a few moments in recent months when our souls experienced Mother Teresa’s description of prayer. We listened. We sensed God listening. Something strange and sacred happened as we listened together. We may not be able to put words to these happenings yet, but we do sense the stir of new spiritual sensitives within us. This may not sound like much, but it is. In fact, it’s what we were after.

The all-church spiritual discernment retreat increased our personal awareness of God’s ever-present Spirit. The ACTS groups sought to nurture Holy Calm, Holy Connection, Holy Clarity, and Holy Creativity. The Sunday morning sermons explored how the Holy Spirit worked in the life of the early church and asked how this might help us discern the work of the Spirit in our life together. Much thought went into the comprehensive plan of our sabbatical experience, with a common invitation woven into the hope and intention of it all: listening.

I appreciate the interest several have shown in hearing about my sabbatical experiences. I’m happy to share and am even more eager to hear. I want to hear what you heard, just as I’m eager for what we’ll hear together in the months ahead as we engage in the sacred work of listening.

The shake-ups of the last few years have set us up well to pause, reflect, and ask, “Now what?” In light of who we are, where we are, and how we are, what is it that God wants to do with us next? For the answers, we must learn to listen better. Together. With God. And for God. And this summer was just the beginning.

In these pages, you’ll see a snapshot of our upcoming Catalyst plan, “Imagining Our Future Together.” Listening is one of the hallmarks of this plan. We are preparing for a rich season of visioning led by a wonderfully skilled leader who will help us continue to listen well for God’s voice in community. This summer was part of that preparation. God has a unique purpose for you and for our congregation. Do you sense it? It will become increasingly clear in the days ahead as we continue to listen together.

Janet Hill