Making the Days Count by Kim Halfhill

When Kaylee finished kindergarten with an entire summer awaiting us, we began our 100 Days of Summer tradition. The premise was pretty simple. Each day we found some fun and took a photo to capture the moment. Most days, the photos found their way to Facebook. Some days the photos were just for us. I didn’t necessarily start our tradition to fill my Facebook timeline or be the “fun” mom (although it certainly hasn’t hurt!), but as a way to be more intentional about our time together in the summer.

Some days we would stay home in pajamas and play cards, and other days might involve a grand adventure to a new park or museum. A few weeks before school was out that first year; I read a blog with the sobering reminder that between kindergarten and college, we would only have thirteen summers at home with her. Thirteen. That’s it. I wanted the days to count, so we counted the days. And somehow, the tradition stuck.

Every year as the busyness of fall sets in, I find myself becoming less intentional with our time. There are schedules to follow and events to attend—school projects, extracurricular activities, and a flurry of work deadlines. This year, fresh off the summer of ACTS and noticing and nurturing, I’m wondering how I might carry that intentionality forward—not just with family time, but in all areas of life.

In our ACTS Groups and even in Vacation Bible School this year, we were reminded that God is always present and at work in our lives. Even in the midst of our chaotic, rushed days or the sometimes unwelcome silence that settles in when the busyness has faded away. It’s up to us to pay attention to what God is doing, so this fall, I’m hoping to be more intentional about doing just that. Maybe you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to pay attention, too. Maybe you want to explore ways to deepen your connection to God and to others in our faith community. Maybe you want the days to count even more.

This fall, we’re eager to offer some ways to explore God’s work in our lives and the world. Join us for the Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 11. Consider joining a new community group this fall. Worship together in person or online. Consider how God might be calling you to serve or give in other ways. Let’s see what God has in store for us. The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives both individually and collectively at 2BC. I’m counting on it!

Janet Hill