Where “INC” Means More Than “INC” by Karen Rogers

There are occasions when “Inc.” following a business name is a tip-off about that business’s membership, organization, control, and tax status. Some recipes include “incorporate” in the directions, such as to “incorporate” egg whites into a batter—gently stirring in until the separate ingredients become one. In the first instance, INC means formation into a legal corporation. In the other, incorporated means blended together into one body. But Liberty, MO is home to an INC which means a great deal more.

The “INC” in “Love INC” means “In the Name of Christ.”

Love INC in Clay County began 30 years ago. It’s part of a national organization that brings together Christian churches, across denominational lines, to help the poor in coordinated, tangible ways that demonstrate God’s Love.  Simply put, Love INC is “where people in need can connect with people who care.” Last year, 2BC was one of 27 area churches making financial contributions to Love INC. Current 2BC Catalyst Ministry Plans allocate $4,264 a year to Love INC.

The beauty of Love INC is that it is a clearinghouse for people in need. It maintains information from over 350 agencies and programs available to the poor. So, a person in need may make one stop at Love INC over on Plumbers Way and, while there, gain access to a whole network of support ministries. Individuals and families who receive financial help through Love INC become part of a Family Care Plan, which continues for six months, maintaining contact, relationship, and prayer. It’s the sensitive, caring kind of love that demonstrates God’s love.

You can learn more about Love INC and how to become involved as a volunteer or donor at  https://loveincofclaycounty.org/about/.

Love INC of Clay County is located in Freedom House on Plumbers Way, just off I-35 N, along with other faith-based nonprofit ministries, including In As Much Ministries, Rebuilding Together KC, and Hillcrest Ministries.

Love INC of Clay County is located in Freedom House on Plumbers Way, just off I-35 N, along with other faith-based nonprofit ministries, including In As Much Ministries, Rebuilding Together KC, and Hillcrest Ministries.

Janet Hill