Behind the Scenes with Shae Crane

Hey Friends,


I will begin with a little introduction of myself. I will be starting my senior year at William Jewell College in the fall (still can’t believe that). I am an Elementary Education major and can’t wait to start teaching kiddos. I will begin student teaching in the fall at Kellybrook Elementary in second grade. I am an active babysitter with kids that keep me on my toes. As most of you know, I am the summer intern for Second Baptist Church through CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship). I am working mainly with the youth group while learning more about the functions of a church. I have only been in this position for a little time now, but I have been able to observe and learn quite a bit so far. This internship didn’t begin the way I had originally planned. I didn’t plan to be an intern during a global pandemic. I didn’t plan to do the majority of my communication on Zoom meetings. I didn’t plan to be an intern through a nationwide Black Lives Matter movement while being one of few people of color at my church. However, through the multiple CBF and Second Baptist meetings, I have realized that I am not alone in these feelings.

During this pandemic, I have been able to sit in and participate in several church meetings. I never before realized how much thought and effort goes into the various events Second Baptist does. I have observed conversations about how Sunday worships will be planned, church reopening, and sensitive discussions about the current racial injustices. Through observing and being a part of these discussions, I have begun to realize and appreciate the hard work a church does. Before this internship, I was just a member of the congregation and a volunteer helper whenever I was needed; I didn’t get to see the action behind the scenes. So far, this internship has granted me the opportunity to see my church and all churches in a new light. It is easy to point out what churches could do to be better/do better, especially in these tough times. However, by observing some of the tough conversations my church has had, I begin to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts that are already there and encourage more. I don’t plan on going into ministry, but this internship is allowing me the chance to learn from many role models and begin to understand how a church functions.

Janet Hill