"Sowing and Reaping" by Larry Kuhlman

One sows and another reaps.  This is reality for me and I suspect, it is true for all of us.


As I walked thru four cemeteries this weekend, I realized just how much the lives of so many deceased folks had influenced me.  

I owe so much to the caring, attentive people that shaped my thoughts and behavior.  Some I have thanked, others I never praised  or expressed gratitude toward.  

The graveyard brought back memories of wonderful, hardworking humans that contributed to the person I strive to be.  

I was glad that I took the time to walk among the tombstones — reading names significant to my past — and then I saw names of younger lives that I had influenced.  Because of the values, beliefs, and modeling that others have given me, and the realization of my own contributions, both good and bad, to others, this caused me to focus on the importance of every life.  Because of the sowing and reaping that each of us do, life has meaning and reminds us that we are shaped and developed by our contacts with others.  

The service, teachings, and interactions with Christian people sowing God’s love and kindness have benefited me immensely, and I have reaped eternal blessings that I still strive to bestow on those that I meet.  Someday, someone I have shared some traces of my life with will walk through the cemetery where I will lie. I hope that my life will bring forth positive feelings and memories such as I had this last weekend as I made my way through the resting place of so many who sowed with love in my life!!

Janet Hill