"Running Against the Wind" by Lisa Kopala

It was a blistering hot day as the sun beat down on me. The wind felt like a blast furnace in my face and provided no relief from the stifling heat.  A mirage shimmered on the track as I uncomfortably sat on a metal bleacher waiting for the race to begin.  My granddaughter Gracie was running the 1600m for Baker University women’s track team.

I anxiously watched her as she stretched, hopped up and down and bowed her head in silent prayer, mentally preparing herself for the race. The gun went off and I stood and began cheering loudly, hoping she could her my voice above the crowd.  She was keeping a good pace and I thought perhaps this might be her best PR time ever.  One lap, two laps, and still she looked confident, well ahead in the lead.

On Lap 3 she started to slow her pace just a little, and by the last 400 meters of the race I could see she was struggling to breathe as she fell back in the pack.

At the finish line Gracie’s legs began to weaken and she fell into the arms of her coach and trainer.  My grandmotherly instinct was to climb over the fence and run to her, but I choked back my tears and fears as they supported her and kept her standing. 

Gracie has asthma.  She has been running since the first day she could stand on her own two feet.  She runs everywhere, every day…6 to 8 miles in rain, snow, and heat.  Her battle with asthma has gradually worsened over her young 20 years of age, but she will not give up or give in. 

The prophet Isaiah gave us words of encouragement for all the races we run each day.  It’s easy to grow weary and want to give up at times, but our hope is in the LORD and He will sustain us.

Isaiah 40:29-30 says “He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.  Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” NSRV

Janet Hill