Creating a Loving and Caring Space by Cheryl Williams

As Christians, we are to be hospitable to everyone. Hospitality is about people welcoming others into their homes and other places. In the church, we are to give a friendly and generous reception to our guests, visitors, and strangers that enter our doors. One example of 2BC participating in hospitality was during the Liberty Fall Festival this year. We always open our doors in the Welcome Center for the public to use restrooms and offer everyone that enters a cool or warm drink and snacks. This year we also gave away gift bags containing information about our church.

 We had one gentleman who entered and had only one request. He wanted to know if our sanctuary was open and would like to see our stained-glass windows from inside the church. He was from Springfield, MO., visiting his daughter and family for the christening of his first granddaughter on Sunday. He said he always sees our stained-glass windows from the street when they come to town and would love to see them inside. I took him into the sanctuary, and he was amazed at how beautiful it was and asked how often we play the organ. In his church, they only play their organ once a month. We talked a little, and as he left, he was so thankful for the tour and commented on how much he appreciated our hospitality.

I am privileged to be part of the Hospitality Team at Second, and partner with so many loving, caring people who work hard to make our church a welcoming and caring space for all who enter our doors. The Catalyst Ministry Plan allows our team to offer treats on Sunday mornings in the welcome center and gift bags for visitors and new members.

 Hebrews 13:1-2 Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. 2. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

Janet Hill