By the Numbers by Kim Halfhill

In the past year, nearly 20 new adult community groups have launched at 2BC creating spaces for people to grow together, to do life together, and to seek God together. We’ve equipped more than that many leaders with resources and training to guide their groups. Dozens of stories about what God is teaching people through their community group experiences have been told. And too many moments of joy and sorrow have been shared among God’s people even to count.

Together we celebrated ministry at our largest Ministry Fair to date, where those new and not-so-new to 2BC, were able to learn about countless opportunities to serve from the more than 40 ministries who participated. We connected, we fellowshipped, and we considered where God might be leading us to serve.

New ministry teams were born, and others were re-born —all equipped to carry out the sacred work of engaging others in ministry and discipleship opportunities at 2BC.

It’s easy to be thankful this time of year, but I am grateful all year long for the way our congregation faithfully gives through Catalyst to support our discipleship and equipping ministries. Thanks be to God!

Janet Hill