Save-the-Date: Fall Retreat October 25-27
Friday 6:00 p.m. - Sunday 1:00 p.m. | Cost: $90
With Summer waning and Fall right around the corner, it's time to start looking forward to a new edition of Fall Retreat! The weekend of October 25-27, we'll travel to Miracle Hills Retreat Center in Bethany, MO, to spend a few glorious autumn days enjoying time in nature, expanding our friendships with each other and our relationship with our Creator, and making meaningful memories together as a group.
We'll play all-camp games like Capture the Flag and Mission Impossible, roast s'mores, enjoy basketball and 9-Square, worship together, and use this time away from the stress of life to grow spiritually and develop a stronger understanding of our faith and its impact on our lives.
We'll leave the evening of Friday, Oct. 25, and return the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 27. The cost is $90, which will cover all the expenses of the weekend. Students in 6th-12th grade are invited.