“You Are Our Peace” by Jen and Caroline Dilts

Psalm 148

“He has raised up a horn for his people … for the people of Israel who are near to him” (Psalm 148:14).

Caroline: My sisters and I scramble out of our rooms on Christmas morning, seconds from throwing elbows to get down the stairs first. We rush to our stockings and, with the nod of approval from our parents, dig into the very first presents of Christmas. My parents’ jobs as the overseers of gift opening start almost immediately when one sister realizes she has less candy than the others. Fast forward to opening the shiny boxes and bags under the tree, and things really start to get hectic. Of course, there’s who gets to open a present first and then the issue of opening group gifts. My parents relax with cups of coffee and plates of French toast casserole while they take turns opening their presents, but they’re also making sure that everything is fair and right and fun for everyone. They’re the Christmas morning peacekeepers, the prince, and princess of present opening peace. Just like my sisters and I need someone to be the peacekeeper when we’re opening presents, the world needs a peacekeeper for everyday life. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, leads us to be better people, people WHO, with His help, can be loving, peaceful, and Christ-like.

Jennifer: Dear God, you are our peace. You are our peace. You are our peace. You are our peace. You are our peace. We take one deep breath and then another. We can rest in you. Our minds, our bodies, our hearts, they need rest right now. Our world is swirling with uncertainty. We are anxious, and we are weary. And yet, your love is constant. You are certain, and you love us. Help us to remember you, to draw near to you. May we be harbingers of your peace. We love you. Amen.

Janet Hill