"What Did We Learn?" by Emmitt Drumgoole

It’s been one year. Can you believe it?

The 19th of this month marks the one year anniversary of my first day as a pastoral resident at 2BC. This 2-3 year residency is to prepare ministers for the work of leadership as senior pastor. I, as well as leadership at 2BC, knew that this year would be a year full of hopes, discoveries, and a lot of learning. The learning would not just be for me, but for the entire congregation.  At its core 2BC is a church equipped for teaching and learning. As 2020 has shown us, we have needed both.

So what exactly have I/we learned this year?

  1. 2BC is a loving, supportive congregation
    Moving 650 mi from home is hard. We knew it would be. There were some nights of sadness as we grieved the familiar sounds and sights of our city that served as the backdrop for our beloved community. We missed Baylor University, our church family, and at times even our local celebrities Chip and Joanna Gaines. But what we left in Waco, we discovered here at 2BC. Rich relationships developed over warm meals and small gatherings were just what we needed during this transition. Phone calls, emails, and handwritten notes let us know that we are loved and supported by this community. It is just what we needed. These acts of care and support have given us permission for this season to call Liberty, MO home. 

  2. .Pandemics can be a fertile learning ground
    No one could have predicted that 2020 would be as bizarre as it has been. A pandemic, shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, online-only worship, and face masks for all. What a year it has been. As the pastoral resident, one of my responsibilities is to develop ways that we can care for our congregation better. Well, there is no better time to learn than during a pandemic. Caring during a pandemic has birthed several initiatives, none of which would have been developed had it not been for COVID-19. We have had to try new approaches, fail, learn, and try again. I have been given space to learn with you, and you have been gracious to let me lead off the map.

  3. Religion, Race, and, Faith
    Jason dedicated the sermon time for worship on August 25 as an interview with me. We talked about many things, including a brief discussion about how this residency may provide an opportunity for conversations about race and faith in our congregation. The month of March, highlighted the deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbury; unarmed black men and women murdered across the country. With the world having slowed down because of the threat of COVID-19, our nation was challenged to look into the issue of racism and its effect on people of color. Our conversations during worship, in our prayers, and discussions in Sunday school classes and community groups have challenged us to think through the systemic effects of racism and its presence in our own lives. We continue this conversation, as difficult as it may be, that we may embody the love of Christ for all people and work towards a just society.

  4. There is much more to learn
    One of the benefits of being the first to do something is the freedom to discover as you go along. In a sense, we are flying the plane as we build it. But being the first also comes with its own set of challenges. There is no precedent to determine how things should go or how they could be better. I have done some exciting work this year with incredibly gifted people. I have also made missteps that I am learning from. There is plenty more to do. There is plenty more to learn. As we move into year two, I am ready to work and learn together.

  5. Two is better than one
    Words cannot express how excited I am for August 24. This is the day where Andrea Huffman will join the pastoral staff as our second pastoral resident. After all that we’ve been through, I am considering this a “You made it through 2020” gift from God. Seriously, I have no doubt that what Andrea brings to 2BC will enhance this ministry and this community for years to come. I’m also in expectation of how I will learn from her and alongside her this coming year. Get ready 2BC. The best is yet to come.

Janet Hill