Until COVID 19 No Longer Is Here by Larry Kuhlman

So Sunday worship has now gone high tech,
our staff was terrific, much like we’d expect.

Only ten persons will be allowed,
We just cannot tolerate a crowd.

Don’t go out without a mask, though breathing through it can be a task.
Our church rose to the task and fashioned many a quality mask.

Use a map of precise quality,
and you will be treated with real dignity.

But whoa to you if you should cough,
Since folks will likely scream and scoff.

There was a rush to ventilate,
A lucky few lived to appreciate.
Equipment shortages have caused disdain,
the Feds, and states each other blame.

The money spent is in the trillions,
Much more than thousands of meager billions

And elected officials can play politics,
While hundreds of thousands are still getting sick.

We know how essential nonessentials can be,
And how nonessentials are essential, oh me.

We stay in our houses honoring social distance,
Stay six feet apart, offering only token resistance.

Members of Second Baptist have stepped into the fray,
We are sharing Christ by helping others who need us every day.
Wonderful people practicing the Golden Rule,
Who are risking coronavirus to take care of you.

With daring kindness and real Christian joy,
With selfless gestures, caring actions employ.
Encourage, and listen, to folks down in the dump,
Trust God, do good deeds, till we’re over the hump.

May God sustain you, as to him, you draw near
Until COVID 19 no longer is here.

Janet Hill