Unexpected Delight by Harold Phillips

Twelve years ago, I needed professional and personal renewal. I am forever grateful my then employer (CBF Heartland) provides for work sabbaticals. Their three-month sabbatical gift provided phenomenal renewal. Those who know me still endure ramblings about the week with Gwen in Florida, a meaningful civil rights pilgrimage, and for sure about my experience in Romania that led to more than 20 return visits and now a fun small-group travel enterprise.

2020 has been a year of missed opportunities, disappointments, and changes for all of us.

Yet, many serendipities have made this year unexpectedly delightful. Here is a shortlist for me:

  • Participation in weekly neighborhood Corona Concerts that uncovered amazing musical talents we knew not of before 2020 brought delight. As did meeting neighbors, we had never really known in previous years.

  • We eat on our porch for dozens of more days than we would have in a normal year.

  • I am walking and chatting with neighbors that I was "too busy for" earlier.

  • I am observing the beauty and delicacy of hummingbirds.

2020 provided unexpected experiences for Second Baptist Church:

  • We have learned that meaningful, creative worship can happen via Facebook and YouTube.

  • We are demonstrating consistency in our church's financial support and our influential partnerships that have a global impact.

  • We are sustaining and expanding partnerships (such as with Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, a.k.a. The Met).

The unexpected happens, which can lead to renewal. 2008 was a transformational time of renewal for me. My prayer is that 2021 continues to be a time of renewal for our church

Janet Hill