The Word of God submitted by Connie McNeill from Halley's Bible Handbook by permission.

A woman called out to Jesus, Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” Jesus answered, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:27-28

Drown Out the Noise

We are awash in a tidal wave of words. We are assaulted constantly by written and spoken words that drown out the still, quiet voice of the Word of God. It takes effort to sit still, to shut out all other noises and voices, and to read and listen to the Word of God—not read books about the Word, or listen to Christian radio, or watch religious TV—but read and listen to the Word of God. Jesus did not think it something optional. If we claim to follow him, reading and listening to his word [is] as essential to life as breathing and eating.

Submitted by Connie McNeill from Halley’s Bible Handbook by permission.

Janet Hill