The Treasure of Second Friends by Becky Gossett

Second Friends Preschool is a treasure because of the people: the staff, the parents, and most especially, the children. This year, the big questions have been—how do we protect our treasure during a pandemic? How do we stay true to our mission and values, which include phrases like "happy and secure learning environment" and "close cooperation and understanding" during these strange days? How do we implement strategies to keep people safe (and physically apart) during the COVID-19 pandemic? How do we build relationships with parents without allowing them into the building?  How do we make ends meet with reduced enrollment (therefore, reduced tuition)?  We're going to manage these issues, and we hope to do it well! 

We answered all the questions we can answer and directed parents to read our preschool Reopening Plan (found on our webpage). We also double-checked with our favorite reopening consultant, Dr. Jen Dilts, who has given us excellent guidance as we made plans. 

During one of our many Zoom meetings with our teachers this summer, Suzie Goertz said we'd need lots of grace, and suggested that grace be our word-of-the-year. We all agreed we'll be GIVING and GETTING lots of grace as we stumble through the current way of doing preschool. 

The biggest prayer is that our children love learning, even though the environment is a bit different. We hope our 2BC congregation will also pray for Second Friends Preschool, 

  • that we all be constantly aware of Jesus' love, and that we spread that in the ways we interact daily

  • that children play, learn, and grow to be their best selves 

  • that parents trust our staff and work together with us for their children's success

  • that children, families, and staff remain healthy

Second Friends is a 25-year-old ministry of Second Baptist Church. We've updated the sweet logo that was created by Martha Reppert the first year we opened; it now includes children who look a little more like some of the children we serve. 

We are thankful for the opportunity to provide this preschool in the Liberty community, even during these changing and challenging times. We believe there is no more important work than encouraging young children as they discover the world. 

Janet Hill