"The Human Curriculum" by Jason Edwards

Several years ago, as I was attempting to design a small group experience for our first Community Groups, a specialist in small group ministry posed an important question: What is the most important piece of curriculum for these groups? I pondered that for some time. One of the goals of Community Groups is the first goal listed in our church’s mission statement, to foster meaningful, Christ-centered community. These groups could use a variety of resources to nurture meaning, connection and growth, but which resource would be the MOST important?


Of course, we can (and should) always reach for a particular set of low hanging fruit. We won’t grow in meaningful, Christ-centered community without Christ. We can (and should) find and benefit from healthy, fun, and challenging relationships in many of life’s arenas, but there is a dimension of life that can be uniquely accessed only with Christ in our lives and relationships. The Apostle Paul called it “the life that is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:19) So, as with most Sunday School questions, “Jesus” is often a great answer. Likewise, Scripture and prayer are essential resources for growing lives in Christ. Scripture not only holds words of life, but often also prompts sacred encounters between us and God, where the word of God for all becomes the word of God for us. Beyond and within those encounters, we experience communion with God through prayer. Without Christ, scripture and prayer, there is no meaningful, Christ-centered community.


That being said, my answer to the specialist’s question about the most important curriculum was not Christ, scripture, or prayer. These seemed implied. My answer also did not include the naming of any specific small group book. Community Groups would gather with Christ around scripture, prayer, and all kinds of written resources, but there was something else that needed to be named. Something specific. Something absolutely required for individuals to grow not just in Christ, but in Christ-centered community. And so, my answer:


The most important curriculum is the human curriculum.


God is forming each one of us. There are threads of God’s presence running in and out of all our lives. And, transformational things can happen when we weave those threads together. Yes, God often works most powerfully through the intersecting and interweaving of our lives. God challenges, inspires, and forms me through my encounters in community with you. God uses us to strengthen, support, and transform each other as the Christ in me grows in relationship with the Christ in you. Christian community is one of our most significant spiritual resources, and it is only enriched by your presence.


The human curriculum (found in community) is only whole when we are whole. The human curriculum is also diminished by every single absence. When one person chooses absence from community, it’s not only that person who misses out. Others also miss out on the way God wants to use their life in the lives of others. God wants to use other Christians to grow your life. God wants to use you to grow Christ’s life in others.

This fall we’ve been exploring ways we can posture ourselves for renewal. One of the best ways we can do that is through leaning into life-giving relationships. We must, of course, continue to to be mindful of health and safety needs. We also must be mindful of our deep need to grow in Christ-centered relationships. This is an invitation for you to renew your commitment to that by showing up, opening up, and becoming fully present to receive the gifts God has in store for us through meaningful, Christ-centered community. When you’re missing, we’re all missing out. When you’re present, the human curriculum is more whole…and so are we.


With love and growing hope….



Janet Hill