Remember by Heather Lewis

When Janet asked me if I would write a blog for Holy Week, I said yes without much thought and added it to my to-do list. Today as I sit at my computer, "Easter Day blog" stares up at me with a bit of a smirk from the previously mentioned to-do list. Writing my Easter Day blog today is a much more daunting task than before—back when I originally said yes. You see, I said yes weeks ago, back when coronavirus was still in China and before the stay at home order, before home school started and before I started wearing a mask and gloves to Hy-Vee.

Now, on Monday of Holy Week, I'm sitting here staring at my computer screen thinking things like, "why on earth did I say yes that I would write this and what on earth am I going to write about and what do I have to offer?"

And so, I get up and find things to do instead of writing: I get out the hamburger to thaw for dinner tonight; I help Jack start his piano lesson on Facetime; I take the dog out; I ask God what I'm going to write; I make myself a glass of iced tea; I get a snack for Henry, I scroll Instagram, and then I see it. An account I follow mentions some lyrics to a new song John Mayer has written: "Though the present situation can be scary, you are still the same him or her you were in January."

And then God takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes as these words form in my mind: "Remember, I am still the same God I was in January." He stops me in my tracks as it dawns on me. I forgot to remember. Our world has indeed changed, but our God has not.

The practice of remembering is a holy one, indeed. Let's do it together:

Remember, it's not Good Friday anymore.

Remember, the stone has been rolled away.

Remember, Jesus is not in the grave.

Remember, He conquered death.

Remember, He is not here, He is risen.

Remember, God is with us.

Remember, our Holy God wholly and deeply loves you.

Remember, Jesus is alive. Remember, in this world, you will have trouble but take heart. He has overcome the world.

Remember, it is Easter. Remember, Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.

Remember, He is risen, He is risen indeed.


Janet Hill