"Reflecting on Advent 2020" by Emmitt Drumgoole

Advent and Christmas 2020 was a time that we will not soon forget. Family plans were cancelled, packages were delivered late, and large gatherings were forsaken for smaller ’bubble’ groups in response to the rise in infection rates of COVID-19. In response, we took the recommendations of our Reopening the Church Building Task Force and reimagined Advent and Christmas with an emphasis on worshipping God faithfully and loving our community safely.


One of the ways the pastoral staff at 2BC sought to do this was by offering in-person Advent Worship Experiences. After gathering and reviewing feedback from the congregation through a short survey, we offered several meaningful Advent Worship Experiences, with weekly and weekend hours. Among the experiences were self-guided chapel services, The Art of Advent Station, International Nativity Scene Exhibit, Prayer by Sand Experience, Sanctuary Meditation and Prayer, and Peace Prayer by Coloring.


Our Advent Worship Experiences were enjoyed by 60 participants over 4 weeks. Among our participants were households, individuals, visiting family members, and friends. These numbers do not include 2BC’s church staff and families, or the children and staff at Second Friends who explored the Nativity Scene Exhibit and Chapel services.


As a staff we are thankful for you, and the freedom you grant us to create meaningful experiences for our faith community. We continue to seek ways to engage 2BC in meaningful worship during COVID-19 and beyond, and we await with hope the day when we will be together again.

Janet Hill