"Reassuring Portraits" by Blane Baker

Luke 1:67–79

“. . . to shine on those living in darkness, and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:79).

Cathy’s family began going there in the 1950s. The lake is surrounded mostly by trees with some grassy areas where folks pitch tents or set up all manner of portable campers. The lake, known locally as Logger’s Lake, is secluded in southeastern Missouri near the tiny town of Bunker. On my first visit there in 1997, I was struck immediately by the absence of noise and the ever-present sounds of nature—the squeaks of squirrels, the chirps of various birds, and the hoots of owls in the night.

On my first visit, we arrived in the evening, so I did not get much of a chance to experience the lake until the next morning when I would find the air crisp and still—ideal for keeping the water calm. The first hints of sunlight revealed a glassy lake with no ripples or wakes. Light reflected perfectly, and we could see images of trees on the other side. We remained transfixed for several minutes. God was there in those peaceful moments; the Lord’s overwhelming presence was felt as this scene was etched into our minds.

In times of trouble, loss, or pain, I have relied on these images to bring a sense of peace. Once-felt, reassuring portraits like these are always available to us as we re-live moments of God’s presence. This reassuring peace stems from an overwhelming sense that the Creator, Master, and Architect of our universe is actively engaged in our lives and knows all of its intricate details.

In our reading for today, God is there in the midst of darkness and dreadful shadows. God, through Christ, provides light so that our feet are guided into the path of peace. Our path of peace is often temporary. Illumination is required to see the path and to remain on it. Peace as a state of mind, body, and spirit is difficult to maintain. We need the Prince of Peace to constantly love, encourage, and reassure us. Peace that was once elusive is now constant in Christ. As you experience this Advent Season, my hope is that you will find peace amid the chaos and turbulence around you. Seek it, cherish it, and hold onto it.

Janet Hill