Read It Through in '22 by Connie McNeill

“The Scriptures are absolutely key in the process by which the Spirit gives—and strengthens—the faith of Christians.”

R. C. Sproul

Several months ago, your pastoral staff wrote a covenant together to regularly practice five foundational habits as we walk with God. One of these habits is to pay attention to God speaking to us through scripture, as well as other ways God more generally reveals wisdom to us. We wrote this covenant to remind ourselves and each other that we always need to be attentive to our individual spiritual lives, as well as our corporate ministerial lives.

In 2022, we wish for our 2BC family to begin regularly reading scripture and experience the life changes it can bring within us. We’re calling this emphasis “Read it Through in ’22.”

Don’t worry, we aren’t going to just tell you that you should read your Bible regularly and leave it at that. Instead, we’re going to provide you with resources and equip you to begin a regular habit of reading Scripture.

The first opportunity we’re offering is on Sunday morning Jan. 9 at 10:00 in the Social Room. We’re having a special, one-time session called “How to Read it Through in ’22.” You’ll leave the session equipped and inspired to begin your year-long journey through God’s word.

Our hope is for our church community to develop the habit—of regularly reading scripture—together, and help each other along the way.

Many of you already have a scripture reading plan that you use. In case you don’t, here are two easy suggestions to get started:

  1. Vanderbilt Library annual reading plan. The Lectionary provides a three-year cycle of readings. It coincides with the liturgical church year rather than the calendar year. Year C began on Thursday, November 25, 2021, and continues until this time in 2022

  2. reading plans. This website offers a variety of options. For example, if you haven’t practiced a daily Bible reading before or at least in some time, you might want to begin with a practice of a section of scripture or a shorter length of time than a year.

We will continue to provide resources and encouragement for you in the new year as we all work together on strengthening this habit of regular Scripture reading. Any of the pastors would be happy to talk with you about getting started.

What is most important is to begin the experience of regularly reading scripture and inviting it to transform your life in good, Godly ways.

Janet Hill