Advent Devotional by Carroll Makemson

Jeremiah 33:14-16

“In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.” (Jeremiah 33:15)

For 78 years, “The Sears Wish Book,” a Christmas catalog full of toys, clothes, decorations, and more announced the beginning of the holiday season.  Arriving in October printed on glossy paper, full of color, and thicker than an inch, the catalog provided hours of wishing and longing for children. Pages were dog-eared, toys were circled and initialed. Bargains were struck with siblings to create complementary Christmas lists. The longing continued for weeks!

This was true for my childhood family in the 50’s and 60’s as well as for our children’s generation since publication spanned 1933 to 2011. The purpose of the enticing holiday book was easy to figure out. I still smile remembering a little voice paging through the catalog saying, “Some of this to my house, please.” Longing for the perfect gift continued longer than parents wanted.

After a decade without a “Wish Book” imagine my surprise when I found “Amazon’s Holiday Kids Gift Book” in my mailbox early in October. Immediately, I leafed through its pages while memories of “THE Wish Book” tumbled through my mind. Many of the toys were similar to past catalogs, and I had no problem imagining my little friends paging through dolls, Legos, trains, games, etc. Another generation of children longing for the perfect presents.

Memories are an important part of Christmas. Each year, Christians approach Advent with a sense of longing and remembering, full of expectation and anticipation. The prophet Jeremiah foretells the perfect gift, the coming of a Savior. Our time in Advent becomes sacred and holy as we sing, pray, read and study. Even though we really know that Jesus has already been born, we wait and long for Him to be born in us and among us. Jeremiah foretells the restoration of the Davidic monarchy and a time when righteousness and justice will fill our land. For the days to come, we know our “big wish” is covered! Scholars have named chapters 30-33 in Jeremiah “The Little Book of Comfort.” Maybe this is our “wish book!”

Carroll Makemson

Janet Hill