My "Read It Through" Story by Jim Noel

Jim Noel continues our “Read It Through” stories this week. Thank you, Jim, for sharing your story!

During my 41-plus years working in the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), God used the time to teach me a lot of things. Some things came through difficult trials, while others came through wonderful relationships and with joyful appreciation. During my tenure, I observed colleagues and volunteers who testified to the importance of having a spiritual time with God each day—a quiet time when it was just one-on-one with God.

Not long after I started at FCA, I received the first of many Bibles that I would get as a staff person over the years. So, I launched into reading the Good News (Today's English Version), which was a perfect fit for me. Reading it in the evenings, I made it through my first end-to-end reading of the Bible. It was a wonderfully satisfying experience that grew my depth of understanding.

As years went by and my walk with God continued to get ever closer, I decided to not just "work reading in" when I could but to really incorporate it into my life—into my getting up in the morning and starting my day. It was something that I really wanted to do. 

Now, I get up every morning, take care of a few necessities and go down to my comfy chair in the basement. Next to my chair is an ottoman that I have loaded with several Bible translations, a hymnal, a daily devotional book, and my prayer list. 

I generally start with a short prayer asking God to guide my thoughts, and then pick up the devotional (Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado). Next, I usually pick up my LARGE PRINT Bible (NIV) to do my reading for the day. This, of course, brings us to the Read It Through in '22 program. I may not find favor with the church staff with what I am about to tell you, but I hope you will extend your grace and understanding.  

I am not reading the Bible through in one year!  Yes—you read that correctly. Instead, I opted for the reading plan to read it through in three years. For me, reading the Bible through in one year is like hurrying through a gourmet meal that has taken a master chef a lot of time to prepare. The chef wants me to enjoy each mouthful and even talk to me and hear what I think while dining. 

After I read my chapter for the day, I pick up a study Bible and read the study material for that chapter. Sometimes, I even refer to other translations. Following that, I usually pick up the hymnal and read a favorite hymn, hearing the music in my head yet looking for deeper meaning in the lyrics. I believe the Spirit speaks through all of this.

I have to tell you that I pray small prayers during my quiet time whenever I feel that I have had some spontaneous awareness that the Spirit has brought something to my consciousness. It can be about a thought on something that I just read or even about someone who comes to mind. I do keep a prayer list that contains names starting with my family and including some of you and others that I know are in need of God's grace. I just let the Spirit lift up the ones I need to meditate on and intercede for.

So, there you have it. There is absolutely no question in my mind that I have seen prayers answered and that I have grown through my Bible reading. I hope my experience gives you some thought about having a quiet time with our Lord.

Janet Hill