Let's Get to Work by Kristin Wooldridge

We have all seen in the past couple of weeks, that there is always more happening than what we see on the surface. I believe learning more is each person's responsibility. I suggest picking an area that you were surprised by and learning more. Then choose another and another. Give what you learned reflection, reaction, and action. Hold yourself in your own discomfort. Hold yourself accountable. Reflect on the experiences you have read or watched on your own. Ask yourself how it is different. Then, react to how it is different. Lastly, take action in what you have learned.

That might be a donation to a new cause. That might mean attending a rally, walk, or protest. That might look like standing up for someone else you see that is facing discrimination. What comes next will come to you. Let it. I believe that is the Holy Spirit waking us to a clear path of inclusion of all God's children and creation. 

The work you are called to do is challenging. As Pastor Jason has spoken over us often, "We are promised a good life, not promised an easy life."

Let's get to work.

  • Pray for God's Kingdom to come on Earth as it is in heaven. 

  • Pray for the pain and suffering of others. 

  • Pray for your own heart to love others as Jesus has called us to love.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you.

  • Pray we can all create a just world and act with mercy towards one another. 

  • Follow diverse voices on social media platforms.

  • Read diverse authors and storylines from children's books, young adult, non-fiction, and fiction.

  • Check out the NYTimes Best Sellers List and pick one.

  • Watch the movies 13th and Just Mercy. There are many more listed here.

  • Learn more about local organizations that are already working in our area (I attended a virtual training on Saturday for SURJ-KC: Standing Up for Racial Justice).

  • Donate to a local cause or organization doing work already. 

  • Reflect on how each person's experience is completely different. How does that feel just or unjust to you?

  • Create or join a study group to help you share what you are unlearning, re-learning, and learning for the first time.

  • Hear that this is not work you can do only on your own. Your growth and change will affect others. That is holy work.

Let's get to work.

Janet Hill