Let Us Go by Alena Vaughn, Pastoral Resident

Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened.

Luke 2:15b

The miraculous confirmed.
The rumor authenticated.
The story of potential teetering on belief.
The ending climaxing into a beginning.

But, could it be?
Could the alleged come to pass?
Is there evidence to prove it true?
For, what if the swaddle is empty and the manger is vacant?
Where then does hope abide?

Our suspicion probes us onward,
Onward towards sight.
So, onward we must go!

So, let us go.
Let us go to the place where the sound of angel armies shakes us in our boots!
Let us go to the place where the cow’s lowing shouts acclamations of Gloria!
Let us go to the place where the smelly and unwanted gather to witness the invitation of salvation!
Let us go to the place where Earth’s darkness meets Heaven’s brightness!
Let us go to the place where the holy mother wonders what miracle she has just birthed!
Let us go to the place where the story of hope never ceases to be retold!
And, let us go to the place where sight ignites belief—for perhaps our belief is just as blurry as the shepherds who needed to see ... yet, sight made them believe!

So, let us go so that we might see!


Thank you to each of our writers and to our editors, Sue Wright and Heather Lewis. And thank you, our wonderful readers! We pray these devotionals were a blessing to you this Advent season.

Janet Hill