June Note from Pastor Jason by Jason Edwards

Friends, I hope this newsletter finds you well. As you receive it, the Easter season has drawn to its close, and we're celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The first Easter was a reality shifting event. The transforming power of resurrection continues to reverberate to this very day, as Christ's victory over the grave and living presence among us brings salvation, healing, and the life that is truly life to people all over our planet. At Pentecost, the Spirit came to dwell among us in a new and unique way, offering refreshment, renewal, comfort, guidance, gifts, strength, and so much more. These two world-altering events (Easter and Pentecost) are as relevant in 2020 as they have ever been.

Our world is experiencing a disruption, unlike any most (likely all) of us have experienced. In the midst of this global disruption, we're reminded anew of the unshakeable One who interrupted our existence in an unprecedented way over 2000 years ago, first with incarnation (the Word made flesh, dwelling among us) and then with resurrection. The Christ who lived, died, and rose again then, lives and loves us still.

Likewise, at Pentecost, the church was born and sent forth into a world where, as Jesus said, we "would have trouble." (John 14) From that moment to this present moment, Jesus has promised that the Holy Spirit will be with us, among us, and within us, ready to ready us for all we might encounter in life. Even this pandemic that has so altered our "normal." We are people of the resurrection: the worst thing is never the last thing. We are people of the Spirit: God is with us. May these truths encourage us and empower us as we navigate the days at hand.

In the June newsletter, you'll see a glimpse of some of the ways we're navigating the days at hand. We continue to worship together via Facebook and YouTube. We continue to meet together in Community Groups via Zoom for prayer, Bible Study, growth, and fellowship. All of our Pastors, staff, leaders, and volunteers are working hard, not only to foster worship, study, online devotionals, mission, and ministry but also to continue navigating the why, how, when, and what of our response to COVID-19. We are working in the present and for the future. I continue to be so pleased and inspired by the intentionality, creativity, resourcefulness, and adaptability of our leadership, as well as their generosity of Spirit. We are truly blessed. I do hope you'll take the time to study these pages slowly, just as I hope you'll tune into our weekly updates (Janet can make sure you're getting them). May we all invest in the continued vibrancy of our faith community through worship, study, service, relationships, and generosity.

I know you'll want to pay special attention to updates from our Reopening the Church Building Task Force. (They are doing an exceptional job, and we are following their recommendations in our planning). Just as I know, we'll all want to pay special attention to all that the Living Spirit of God might teach us during these days. You can download the full report here.

Friends, I love you, I miss you, I'm grateful for you, and I'm praying for you as we move through this strange season together.

May the Spirit of the Living God fall fresh upon you all …

With love and hope,

Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor

Janet Hill