Jason's Sabbatical Is Finally Almost Here! by Greg Duncan

Our church has long had a sabbatical policy and it has proven beneficial to our ministers and our congregation. Way back in January 2020, the congregation approved a very special sabbatical plan for Jason. It was to begin in April 2021. After two pandemic-related delays, it’s finally happening next month!

As you know, this is a unique sabbatical opportunity. An extensive application process, involving work by a number of church members, resulted in Jason being awarded a literal once-in-a-lifetime (you can’t get it twice!) grant from the Lilly Endowment. The grant provides $40,000 for approved sabbatical expenses and $10,000 for the church during the pastor’s absence.

The grant recommends a four-month sabbatical experience and requires consecutive months. In conjunction with the Personnel Committee and the Lilly Endowment, Jason has twice postponed the approved sabbatical to ensure timing that works best for our church.

As a reminder, Jason’s last Sunday before his sabbatical is May 8 and he will be back with us on September 18. His plans for personal, professional, and spiritual renewal are exciting, as are our church’s plans for focus and renewal in his absence. Watch for details about all of that in the coming days. Please be in prayer for Jason, his family, and our congregation as we experience this important time of sabbatical.

Greg Duncan, personnel committee chair

Janet Hill