Hidden Mangers by Steve Hemphill
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
Luke 2:12
The Adventure of Advent is nearly over!
Probably everyone reading this devotional has a childhood experience where you participated in a nativity play or scene. If you were a girl, the only real option was to be Mary, but we guys fought to be "Wise" men and wear fancy clothes. The unlucky ones had to be Joseph or the Shepherds, and the really unlucky ones—sheep or donkeys. I suppose it was all relatively harmless, but looking back, it sure didn't add to the significance of the historical moment. Our modern-day actors never smelled as ripe as the real shepherds or were as tired as the wise men and certainly not as scared and confused as Mary and Joseph.
Those poor souls 2,000 years ago looked down at that manger with a sense of wonder, but it was inexplicable: they were clueless. We have the benefit of hindsight in realizing that rustic manger represented a great opportunity for mankind. We can see it was the chance given to us for peace on Earth and also inside our souls. But, we don't need to look back upon that ancient manger ... there are hidden mangers round every corner! Every blood-splattered street, every orphan child, and lonely neighbor is an opportunity for a manger full of hope and promise. Only then will tomorrow's holiday be truly life-changing!