"Gratitude" by Jason Edwards

We have much to be thankful for as a congregation, even in the midst of every challenge this pandemic has thrown our way. We’ll name much of this together in our gratitude themed worship service on November 22, just as we have in worship throughout the month of October. From World Communion Sunday through each Sunday of our Catalyst emphasis, we’ve seen and heard glimpses of what we’ve accomplished together in mission and ministry over the last two years. We’ve also explored the ministry plans we’re making for the years ahead. We have much to celebrate and much to anticipate. Thank you. Your faithfulness to God and generous support of our church’s ministry plans makes so much of the good we’re invested in as a congregation possible. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:12, your many expressions of generosity have resulted in “thanksgiving to God.” Your generosity reflects God’s character and heart.

We have been created and redeemed by a generous God, and there is perhaps no clearer picture of God’s generosity than this: “For God so loved the world that God gave God’s only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) The generosity of God has changed our lives forever, and when we are generous, we participate with God in God’s gospel ministry. In light of that, I hope you’ll pause right now, as you read these words, and prayerfully consider how you will generously fulfill and renew your commitment to the ministries of God through Second Baptist Church.

As we move into the final stretch of 2020, we hope you’ll remain committed (if able) to helping our church finish this year well. We are living in the midst of an unprecedented season right now, and we know that is affecting all of us in a variety of ways, including financial. As our Church Treasurer, Angie McElhanney, acknowledged in a letter earlier this year, some of us have been impacted in ways that will make it difficult to stretch any more financially. So many are struggling. Others of us have the ability to carry more of the load by being extra generous now and in the years ahead. As we each pray about how to give, may God help us have a sense of purpose and peace about how we need to contribute to God’s work.

As our 2019-2020 ministry plan comes to a close at the end of this calendar year, please help us faithfully fulfill all of our ministry commitments by fully fulfilling your financial pledge to our ministry plan. And, if you’ve joined our community in the time since we made pledges as a congregation, I hope you’ll consider making an impact right now with a special year-end gift. We want to have a strong finish to this year and ministry plan. You can help make that happen.

You can also invest in the future flourishing of God’s work in the world through our church by making a generous commitment to our 2021‒2022 ministry plan. If you want to know some of the specifics, please read the brochure and watch videos made available this past month about our next Catalyst plan. We hope you’ll take some time this week to prayerfully consider how you will generously support the ministry and mission of our church in 2021 and 2022 as we participate in God’s ministry of renewal. Please share your commitment with us by turning in a Catalyst commitment card this Sunday. You can do so on The Hub, electronically, or by mailing your card to the church.

If you don’t have a Catalyst commitment card yet, have no fear, there is one available on the Hub that can be completed online, or you can download a paper copy from the Events page of the website. (All commitment cards are held in confidence). And, if you’re not sure what kind of commitment to make, here are a few prompts you might find helpful:

If you’ve never given before, then we encourage you to commit to giving something. Prayerfully consider what you feel good about giving and start there. God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9: 6-7) At Second Baptist Church, one of the things we ask of our members is to “give in proportion to our income with the goal being a tithe.” The Old Testament instructs God’s people to give ten percent of their wealth (tithe) unto God. (Malachi 3:10) The New Testament affirms this teaching but then goes beyond it, asking God’s people to give generously, as much as they possibly can. With this in mind, we know the “goal” of a tithe is less than the biblical benchmark, but we also acknowledge that we are all in different financial places and should all “give what we have decided on (in our own) heart. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Below, you’ll find a “stairway of giving.” If you are already giving to the church’s mission and ministry, you should see a step that represents your current monthly giving level. We encourage you to consider prayerfully, taking one or two steps upward.

Thank you so much for your ongoing commitment to God and Second Baptist Church. Our commitment as a faith community is to be a catalyst for God’s dreams to come true with our church, throughout the KC metro region, and around our world. This is happening. This will continue to happen in the days ahead. I hope this encourages you as you live, worship, and give as a member of our faith community.  With Thanksgiving and Hope, Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor

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Janet Hill