Grateful for the Nurture and Protection of Mother


The misty, cloudy day on Kauai in January was not what we hoped for, but the beach excursion gave way to an interesting drive through the verdant interior of the Island. Multiple cars and a small crowd of people at the highway pull-off indicated something to see. The Hule’ia National Wildlife Refuge overlook offered a lush green vista of valleys with flooded fields and a small river flowing full after the previous night’s rain.

But, the sightseers were more interested in a chicken, a beautiful yellow hen with brown feathers on her neck and regal brown tail-feathers.  The people carefully stood back from the guardrail to watch the mother hen, who was busy protecting her chicks. Her wings spread wide sheltering her babies, and occasionally she reached for the strays pulling them back to safety.

Since that brief visit to paradise just a few months ago, much has changed in our lives. The normal we knew and, for the most part, liked has given way to a very different world. Fortunately, God promises us comfort and protection using the image of sheltering wings. The Psalmist writes, “He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings, you will find refuge.” (91:4). Jesus in Matthew 23:37 offers the same assurance to Jerusalem and each of us, “How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.” Scripture in both Testaments describes God’s motherly attributes: nurturer, comforter, and protector.

Now is a good time to reflect on these attributes and promises as we prepare to celebrate the women in our lives, the women who have shaped and sheltered us.  We offer appreciation and love with cards, gifts, visits, and calls to friends, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, and mentors. Although Mother’s Day is not a religious holiday as such, these remembrances are our prayers of gratitude and love with intercessions for nurture and protection, the same prayers we offer to our God. Let’s smile as we reflect on this image of God, our holy mother hen. Amen!

Janet Hill