"Genuine Faith Works" by Lisa Kopala

I have been attending Dr. Hulitt Gloer’s class “Journey Through James,” and what a journey it has been!  In our first class, we determined who James was (I didn’t know there were 4 different men by that name in the New Testament) and to whom the letter was addressed.  Our “homework” after the first class was to read James several times and look for the voice of Jesus echoed in his writing.  What was James thinking when he wrote those words?  How did his interaction with Jesus influence his tone of writing?  Was James thinking not only of Jewish Christians scattered abroad from persecution, but also of future Christians when he examined their attitudes and actions in daily life?

A couple of years ago, I participated in a women’s Bible study of James, and I will admit this time when I first read through James for Dr. Gloer’s class, I gave the words a cursory reading because I thought I already had a pretty good understanding of what was written in the book.  I was so wrong!  As I read and reread James every day, the words came alive as they instructed, transformed and at times, painfully chastised me. 

There are numerous verses I have memorized as I continue to learn and live by the teachings of James. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights” (James 1:17 NASB) keeps me aware of God’s beauty and blessings, and “be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (James 1:19 NLT) helps when frustration overwhelms me.  Along with that verse, in Chapter 3, James goes into detail about the dangers of a boastful tongue that causes pain and conflict. However, the phrase that will remain with me for a long time is the one that Dr. Gloer gave us early on in our class.  “Genuine faith works.”    Three words that say so much.  The NASB characterizes how faith works by these words: 

·       Faith obeys the Word

·       Faith removes discrimination

·       Faith proves itself by works

·       Faith controls the tongue

·       Faith produces wisdom

·       Faith produces humility

·       Faith produces dependence on God

·       Faith endures awaiting Christ’s return

·       Faith prays for the afflicted

·       Faith confronts the erring brother

There has been much debate about faith versus works, but from I have learned, genuine faith results in good works.  I am so thankful for the insight Dr. Gloer brought to 2BC and it is time well spent to study the book of James.    


Janet Hill