Advent Devotional by Gary Smith

Luke 21:25-36

“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)

Are you ready for this? Are you sure? Really, really, sure? This is what I asked each of my children before their first roller coaster ride. They each, assured me they were ready. They weren’t. I loved to watch their facial expressions, but I also kept alert for any panic or sudden stomach expulsion, while trying to enjoy the ride. The anticipation, the anxiety, the thrill, the joy of surviving. Sounds like advent to me. 

It seems we are never ready for what is coming, does it?  We know it is coming, whatever it is, but we just keep our heads down, working away, planning away and missing the signs.

That is the thing though, isn’t it? It is so hard to be present with so many things to keep track of and manage; there is so much coming right at us all the time. How do we ensure we are present, representing hope to others when we are consumed with the life we are trying to live?

The advice in the scripture for today is to “stand up and lift up your heads.” The challenge is to quit concentrating on you, your life, your trials and notice what is going on around you. Stand up, lift up your heads, stop sitting in your own space and be ready for whatever is to come. It is only by stepping away from the life going on in our heads that we can see what is happening and get ready for it and in THAT moment be present and represent hope in the future, in the revelation of God’s plan. Show you are not vexed or disconcerted by the swirling events of the world but rather, be the peace and hope others need, in the name of Christ.

The question I will leave you with is:

Are you going to look up and be ready or are you going to keep your head down and miss it all?

Gary Smith

Janet Hill