"Couldn’t you use some self-care?" by Kristen Drumgoole

Couldn’t you use some self-care?

I’m willing to bet you could. Between back to school, election season, COVID fatigue, zoom meetings, and having to think about what to make for dinner for the ten-thousandth time, you could probably use a little me-time. That’s why I’d like to invite you to join the REFIT pop-up community group in October. REFIT is a fitness class that combines powerful movement with fun and inspirational music. It is for every age, shape, and size, and is adaptable to every fitness level.

When? Still TBD. Look for that info soon!

Where? Your living room (or kitchen or basement). We will meet online, and while I PROMISE no one will be inspecting your dance moves (they’ll be too focused on their own!), you can also turn off your webcam if that feels more comfortable.

What if I have limited mobility? Or two left feet? No matter! You can modify the movements to suit your mobility level, and at REFIT we believe there are no wrong dance moves...only new ones.

I love REFIT for the sheer joy of moving my body. God made our bodies good, and this is one small way I lean into that goodness. Is exercise good for you physically? Yes. Will you lose weight? Maybe. Will it be good for your mind and spirit? I know it is for mine, and that is the main thing that keeps me coming back.

Every body belongs at REFIT, so if this group sounds like fun to you, I hope you will join us. You can sign up here. And if you have further questions, check out refitrev.com or email me.

See you on the dance floor!

Janet Hill