Beautiful Dedication by Larry Kuhlman

Have you ever envisioned and appreciated the effort and commitment to excellence that it took to build a gorgeous home? Have you ever lamented the decay neglect and negligence of such a formerly lovely place? Have you pondered what led to the calamity that now is inevitable?

When I travel to Europe, I am amazed and saddened by the conditions of so many cathedrals!! The finest architects, carpenters, goldsmiths, etc. succeeded in creating some of the grandest buildings the world has ever seen. I love the Seville cathedral and the one in Córdoba, Spain. The latter was built over an Islamic mosque. Sadly, many marvelous places of worship are no longer holding religious services, and many others are no longer drawing large congregations.

We at Second Baptist have just constructed a worship center that enhances the ability of our worshippers to experience a variety of religious functions. We can and should be proud of our remodeled Tutt Chapel. We gave it our mutual financial support and have prayed for this additional space to be both used and useful. It is beautiful, and it is dedicated to God's service here in Liberty. Why not be pleased and happy!! We have laid the carpet, put in modern designs, added the latest technology, and inserted a stained-glass window that is designed to add beauty and dignity to the old chapel. We have completed a beautiful addition to our church. Our combined finances and sense of gladness have united us in this bold, expensive, and wonderful effort.

Now we must seize the opportunity to utilize this location to the glory of God and the personal growth that we all desire in our own spiritual development. My prayer for all of us is that we can each benefit through the use of this chapel. I want this worship center and gathering place to inspire us all to be better and more committed to our church and to our God. May we never never never allow our chapel to become just a lovely room to admire and go unappreciated for the spiritual emphasis for which it was created.

Janet Hill