"Are You As Lost As We Are?" by Kim Halfhill

"I hope you're as lost as we are. Actually, no, I don't! I don't wish this upon anybody else!"

"Yes, we are feeling SO lost," was my response. Yet somehow, just knowing that someone else was feeling a little overwhelmed made me feel better. The first few days of virtual school have been rough—hard for teachers, parents, and students. We're all doing our best, and grace abounds, but it's just hard. So, when this text came from a friend and fellow virtual school parent today, I found great comfort in knowing that we weren't alone in our struggle to make sense of Google Classrooms, Flipgrid, and Quizizz.

The old saying is true. There is safety in numbers. Community is essential to helping us find our way. In fact, we were created for community. God never intended for us to go it alone.

I hope you'll consider this your invitation to become part of a community group here at 2BC. We were created for community, even in the midst of a pandemic! Although we’re living apart, our community groups still provide opportunities for growing together. Through community groups, we have an intentional way to nurture our relationship with God and grow in relationship with one another while finding ways to impact the world together in Jesus’ name. There are plenty of groups that meet year-round, but we also have some new offerings this year, including new monthly pop-up groups on special topics. For the time being, most of our community and Bible study groups are meeting via Zoom. To learn more or sign-up for a community group, check out the button below.

Janet Hill