Advent Devotional by Sanford Beckett

Luke 1:68-69

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David . . .” (Luke 1:68-69)

Four intriguing characters are featured in Luke 1—Zechariah and Elizabeth who become the parents of John the Baptizer, Mary who becomes the mother of Jesus, and the angel Gabriel. Each one makes for a wonderful character study. Zechariah and Elizabeth are old. Mary is young. Wish someone could tell me how old Gabriel was! They are interwoven in a beautiful story of God’s redeeming nature in the past and in the future. I encourage you to take the time and read the entire chapter in one sitting.

Do you remember the first time you stood on a mountaintop and panned the spectacular view only such a vantage point provides? My earliest remembrance of such a view was when, as a youngster, our family visited Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Anticipation of the view kept building during our journey in our black Nash from Missouri to Tennessee because barns all along the way advertised “See seven states from Rock City.” The view was breathtaking, not only to look out so far, but also, to look down and out to see the different highways and rivers. Dad pointed out what roads we had traveled and what roads we would be taking.

As your anticipation grows for this Christmas, take time to reflect on what the Lord has done for you. I wonder how much more we would reflect on God’s goodness and mercy if like Zechariah, we couldn’t speak for more than nine months! And reflect on what the Lord is going to do . . .

Sanford Beckett

Janet Hill