Advent Devotional by Linda Greason

Philippians 4:4-7

Peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7)


Relocating to Liberty in 1983 was more than a move, it was part of many challenges which included learning to parent a tow-headed baby boy, working full-time, pursuing advanced degrees, and breaking away from extended family. This was the perfect recipe for “biting off more than one can chew.” High on our to-do list was finding a suitable church home. While it felt as if we had attended every church in Liberty, like Goldilocks, none were “just right!” Finally, at the suggestion of a family member, we visited Second Baptist and felt a breath of fresh theological air wave over us!

As a result, we became a part of the “warp and weave” of Second, but it wasn’t until our first Advent Season on an extremely cold, still, and starless, mid-December night I found spiritual peace. We attended a Christmas concert sung to perfection by the Sanctuary choir. Upon its conclusion, we bundled up our tow-headed baby and began the short walk home. The only noise on that silent night came from the crunching of our feet on the crisp mantel of snow blanketing the sidewalks which contrasted decidedly with the black night sky. Our breaths circled in white plumes above us, yet we remained mute not wanting to interrupt the holy nature and sacred feel of the night intermingled with quiet exhilaration from the voices of the choir………


“Still, still, still,

One can hear the falling snow

For all is hushed

The world is sleeping

Holy Star its vigil keeping

Still, still, still

One can hear the falling snow.”

(“Still, still, still,” an Austrian Carol)


The words of the final song reverberated through my mind, and it seemed as if I COULD hear the fluffy, white, gently falling flakes as they anchored delicately on my nose and eyelashes. Serenity and grace enveloped me that night; while I could not foresee all the changes ahead, the choir singing “Still, still, still” reiterated the “peace that passes understanding” with me and our little family in whatever lie ahead. May you discover this same peace, in your heart, this Advent season.

Linda Greason

Janet Hill