Why I Serve: A VBS Person by Lisa Long

When my family first began attending 2BC in 2008, we attended a Children's Valentine's party, and I jumped in and helped as needed. That very day, I was asked if I was interested in leading music in Vacation Bible School. VBS was a very good way to connect with other families and children at church, and I had previous experience, so it was an easy yes for me! I have continued to be involved nearly every year since that time.

VBS is both challenging and rewarding on so many levels! I love seeing volunteers pour the love of Christ into the children. It is amazing knowing that all of these adults have lives outside of VBS yet willingly give of their time and serve. Adults and children connect over simple Bible truths, fun times, and shared memories.

Yes, I continue to be what I was called in 2008–a VBS person. Despite the feeling that maybe I am too old to serve or that I should step away from it now that my kids are grown, I continue to feel a pull toward VBS, and it makes me glad! I come away from it refreshed and revived. Won't you join me this year and become a VBS person?

Interesting in helping with VBS this year? This year VBS is July 10-14, and we’d love for you to join our team. Visit 2bcliberty.org/vbs for more information.

Janet Hill