"In the spirit of Jesus' greatest commandment, we are a community of faith that strives to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves."   



Our vision is to be a catalyst for God’s dreams to come true among the people of Second Baptist Church, throughout the KC metro region, and around the world.


Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering:

  • Meaningful Christ-centered community

  • Whole-life faith

  • A transforming missional presence

This mission statement defines our goals, provides direction, and guides our actions.

Belong | Believe | Become

These words are symbols of the culture we are trying to nurture at Second Baptist. We hope all three B’s are happening within our faith community simultaneously, but there is purpose in the order. Whether you are a first-time guest, a longtime member, or somewhere in between, we want you to know a deepening level of belonging among us. This isn’t only because we want you to feel welcome at Second Baptist. This is because of our conviction that a deep level of belonging to Christ and Christ’s community will bring about holy transformation in your life, in our church, and around our world.



At Second Baptist, we value relationship and service. You might hear us refer to these values in directional terms.

Upward: Nurturing a relationship with God

An upward focus means an ever-growing communion with God. Whether we are gathering for service on Sunday morning, studying together during the week, or serving together on a mission, our spirits are directed upward as an offering to God.

Inward: Nurturing relationships with one another

We were created in the image of a relational God. Our goal is to live, serve, grow, and worship within relationship. Fostering meaningful, Christ-centered community isn’t simply about making everyone feel welcomed. It is about becoming who we were created to be.

Outward: Serving our world

We believe faith is more than self-inspection. Christ-centered faith looks outward and humbly asks, “What can I do? How can I help? Whom can I serve?” At Second Baptist, we want to serve the world as a community. We want to help each member of church find their unique niche in God’s work.

We also recognize that our place in this community at this moment is shaped by the past and will impact the future. Two additional “directions” express these values.

Backward: Appreciating our past

It is difficult to go anywhere unless you understand where you have been. We have a rich history at Second Baptist. We take time to celebrate that foundation even as we move into the future.

Forward: Growing toward the future

We believe that faith is a process and life is a journey. We invest intentionally in learning and growth, supporting one another as we walk the path of faith.

Following the earliest Christian confession of faith, we unite around the simple affirmation that “Jesus Christ is Lord.” The most comprehensive confession of faith in which most Second Baptist members would find agreement is the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message.



I. God is Triune. God is one being in three persons alternatively known as Father/Creator, Son/Redeemer, and Holy Spirit/Sustainer.

II. God is Father/Creator. God created the universe out of love and God continues to seek community with creation. Creation and all within it belong to God.

III. God is Son/Redeemer. We believe in incarnation, that Jesus was fully divine and fully human while on earth. He suffered, was crucified, died, and was buried. Three days later, Jesus was resurrected and, after completing his work on earth, he ascended to reign with God.

IV. God is Holy Spirit/Sustainer. The Holy Spirit is the continuing presence of God on earth.

V. The Bible reveals God. The Bible contains the revelation of God, making clear God’s hope for restoration.

VI. Creation is broken but God seeks to redeem it. God created a perfect creation that humanity made imperfect. At creation, God instructed humanity to be stewards of the earth. As a result of the degradation of humanity through the fall, creation is also broken and not as God intended it to be.

VII. Humanity sinned and is fallen. Though created in the image of God, humanity fell from fellowship with God through sin—the continuing choice to disregard God’s will in favor of our own desires.

VIII. Sin can be forgiven, and creation can return to fellowship with God. Through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, God has provided the means for sin to be forgiven and for creation to be redeemed to eternal fellowship with God. God maintains a longing to restore creation and all humanity to a perfect relationship that will continue forever.

IX. The church, as fellowship, is the community of the new creation. The church is the continuation of the body of Christ on earth and is ordained by God to further the kingdom of God on earth.