Help Us Rebuild Our Children's Library by Angie Fuller

Our church has had an evolving children’s library for decades (in addition to the extensive Second Friends library), but for a variety of reasons, this collection has had little use in the last 10 years. A group of educators (Suzie Goertz, Michele Peck, Kate Rettig, and Angie Fuller) from our Redesigning Children’s Spaces Team has worked to address this.

They first evaluated the content – purging material that was extremely outdated – and then pondered why use has dwindled and what current needs a church library could meet. They determined that a small children’s library IS still worthwhile. It shows that our church values children and their learning, and it invites them to read quality books they might not find in school or public libraries.

A book display will soon be placed in the Welcome Center for a rotating collection of books for kids and families. This will aid accessibility and visually communicate that we value children and literature. We will also update the look and location of bookcases in the elementary hall to make them more appealing.

Most importantly, we have researched current children’s literature and created an Amazon Wishlist to expand the library. We will feature these new titles in multiple ways in the months to come.

We invite our church family to support this cause with purchases from our Amazon Wish List (hardcovers preferred). Through literature, we will invite our children to think and grow!

How You Can Help!

Click here to purchase books from our Amazon Wish List.

Contact Angie ( or another member of the team if you:

– Choose to purchase a title from another bookseller (to avoid duplicates).

– Ever want to offer gently used books.

Please understand that not all books are a good fit for the goals of our 2BC library, but we’d love to see them!

– Are interested in helping to label/organize books, repaint bookcases, or promote new titles.

Janet Hill