Letting Go by Teresa Miller

We are having so much fun weaving Old Testament stories together in children’s Bible study this fall! Each week creates a more cohesive picture of how God chooses the imperfect, keeps His promises, rescues, and reconciles.

This Sunday’s Bible story features mothers! Mothers who took charge in perilous times, one mother’s faith, and the faith it produced in her children.

Exodus 1:1- 2:10. First, Shiphrah and Puah, two Hebrew midwives who “feared God,” shrewdly defy the Pharaoh’s orders to kill all newborn boys saying, “The Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women. They are vigorous and deliver before we can even arrive!” (Ex 1:19)

Pharaoh counters by ordering all Hebrew sons to be thrown in the Nile.

So, one mother, Jochebed, places her baby in the Nile – but in a watertight basket. The next part always stills my heart: she sends her daughter, Miriam, to watch! So many things could have gone terribly wrong – Snakes! Hippos! The basket could have capsized! The princess could have called for a guard! – and little Miriam would have been an eyewitness to unspeakable horror. What would I say to my daughter? Would I have had the courageous faith to send my baby into the water in a basket? (Ok, honestly the “Survivor” contestant in me ponders, “Could I make an airtight basket? Should I learn?”) Jochebed does everything humanly possible to prepare and then places her most precious possessions – her children – in God’s hands…and lets go.

The amazing outcome: God rescues baby Moses AND Miriam watches and believes.

It is no coincidence that in Exodus 15:18-21, after the Israelites safely cross the Red Sea, that it is Miriam – now grown and a “prophetess” or leader of the faith – who leads the chorus of praise. She has seen and now testifies, “Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously!”

There is so much content swirling around on how to be a good parent – what to do and how to do it – to prepare our children to navigate life ahead. The truth is there is only so much that we can do. But the most important is to nurture our own faith and trust that the Lord of the Universe loves our children even more than us. He is able (Ephesians 3:20a).

Lord, help us prepare our children to float safely through this wild and perilous world. Give us the courage and faith to let go and place them in Your hands every day. May they experience Your miraculous rescuing love.

Janet Hill