"Who is this Child?" l by Alena Vaughn

Luke 2

His mother said, “. . . We have been looking for you!” (Luke 2:48b)


A child is born—

A thread of light pierces the night,

Comfort and peace consumes the fields,

Tradition is upheld,

And hope lingers in the awe of his presence.

Who is this child?

The guestroom of creation welcomes this little one—

Holding the tiny body.

Tending the needy family,

and cradling the God-flesh.

Who is this child?

So spectacular an infantry of angels chant his arrival,

So brilliant the shepherds startle from their slumber only to hasten to his side,

And so miraculous his mother’s doubts are instantly stilled.

Who is this child?

Cleansed by tradition and named by the Spirit,

A tie between the past, present, and future,

bridging humanity to the Divine—

our sacrifice, our gift, our pair of turtledoves.

Who is this child?

Could he be

Peace for the faithful,

Fulfillment for the weary,

Purpose for the uncertain,

And acknowledgment for the ignored?

Who is this child?

Growing and learning,

Searching for wisdom and looking for God.

Who is this child?

Being held in love,

Tended by community,

And cradled by the Spirit.

Who is this child?

The One we have been looking for...

The One who has been looking at us …

The One who looks like us …

Who is this child?

Emmanuel—God with us!


Alena Vaughn

Janet Hill